Bialystok University of Technology to launch Open Days


The Open Days of the Bialystok University of Technology (PB) will last from 27 to 29 May. The event will be held online. Future applicants can get to know all the faculties of the university.

The university will be held online sessions with PB students and staff to answer what are application process rules, where the particular departments are located and what science club can offer?

As PB prepared virtual business cards, i.e. short recordings from individual faculties for candidates participating in the online event. They are prepared by students who until recently walked the faculty corridors themselves, and are now learning remotely.

The culmination of these Open Days will be the final of the Amazing Machine competition. The laureate will be given the right to take full-time studies at any chosen faculty of the Białystok University of Technology conducted at the Faculty: Architecture, Construction and Environmental Sciences, Electrical Engineering and Management Engineering.

Events Higher education