Cooperation agreement between the University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz and the Copernicus Science Center


The University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz and the Copernicus Science Center (CNK) in Warsaw will cooperate in the implementation of the Young Explorer’s Club Program. The cooperation agreement was signed by the rector of the university, Prof. Jacek Woźny and the director of education at the Copernicus Science Center, Anna Dziama.

The aim of the cooperation is to support the local clubs of the Young Discoverer through organization of networking meetings for the partner’s staff, organization of events allowing the clubs to interact with active scientists, participation in programs implemented by the Copernicus Science Center in cooperation with an external partner and participation in programs implemented by the scientific partners.

The mission of the Young Explorer’s Program is to develop club members through increasing their learning skills and increasing the ability to reach the scientific truth by using the applied, theoretical and natural sciences and humanistic skills.

Higher education