Director of the Copernicus Science Center talks on challenges for Polish science


-In Poland, we should join the mainstream of the global research on renewable energy sources as soon as possible and become a leader in innovations providing specific market solutions – says the director of the Copernicus Science Center (CNK) Robert Firmhofer.

-Our most serious challenge is to meet the ever-growing demand for energy with no harm for the environment – says Robert Firmhofer and adds that resigning from coal in Poland is “the Polish raison d’etat”.

-It is not only a scientific, but also a technological, industrial, economic, social, communication and educational challenges – emphasizes the director of the Copernicus Science Center. -They occur in every field. But science plays a huge role here, because it helps us understand how to use renewable energy sources in the most effective way. How to store energy, how to distribute it, how to have access to it throughout the year, and not only, when the wind blows or the sun shines – he adds.

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