Electronic tags to help orientate on the Wrocław University of Science and Technology campus


Wroclaw University of Science and Technology has launched a pilot system of electronic markers that facilitate the movement of people with disabilities on its campus. The devices have been installed in thirty places including in the main building, Bibliotech and at Polinka stations.

Tags have been installed both in the buildings and on their elevations. They have an autonomous source of energy, which allows them to work no shorter than three years. If users want to use them, they simply download the free Totupoint app on their smartphones or tablets and so they can orientate on the campus.
When users approach the tag, they can hear information about our current location, e.g. entering the canteen in the Student Culture Zone or the Polinka station from the speaker. In addition, the mobile application displays extensive text descriptions with information about moving around the facility, information and architectural accessibility.
More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/znaczniki-ulatwia-poruszanie-sie-po-kampusie-11269.html



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