Gdańsk University of Technology scientist becomes Accessibility Leader 2018


Dr Eng Marek Wysocki from the architecture department and universal design center of Gdańsk University of Technology received the statuette of Accessibility Leader 2018 from the President Andrzej Duda.

Professor Wysocki was awarded in the category of architect-urbanist “for long-term activities in the field of legislation and science, which contribute to the change in public awareness and dissemination of standards for design and construction, introduced by Polish cities”.

The laureate is a research and didactic scholar at the Faculty of Architecture at the Polytechnic. For 23 years he has been dealing with issues related to the design of space available for people with disabilities and the OAPs. He was the first Access Officer in Poland, appointed for this position in 2014 by the Gdynia local government. He works with many non-governmental organizations. He was awarded many times for his activity.
