Implementation of the BIOTRAFO project started at the Silesian University of Technology


The implementation of the BIOTRAFO project financed by the Horizon 2020 program began at the Silesian University of Technology. Its goal is to increase mobility of scientists and the transfer of knowledge in accordance with the principles of the MSCA-RISE mechanism. Project research will focus on the design and use of high-performance, compact power transformers immersed in biodegradable fluids.

Their results will be useful for the whole environment related to the power transformers industry. This is directly related to the objectives of the program e.g. the creation of a network of cooperating institutions for expanding knowledge and development of devices using biodegradable oils.
Beneficiaries and partners in the project are employees and PhD students from research institutions and companies from European countries: Spain, Germany, Turkey, Great Britain and Italy as well as partner countries from South America and Asia: Argentina, Japan, Colombia and Peru.

Higher education Research and development