Medical University of Gdansk examines Polish seniors


The Medical University of Gdańsk is carrying out research on the health condition of Poles aged over 60 and its social background. The PolSenior 2 project involves 6,000 respondents aged 60 -100 years drawn on the basis of the PESEL number by the Ministry of Digitization.

The study will allow not only to assess the health of older Poles, but also, through the comparison with the results of the PolSenior survey carried out 10 years ago, will indicate beneficial and unfavorable health trends in one of the fastest-growing European societies. The main research tools are questionnaire surveys, laboratory tests, geriatric tests as well as anthropometric and blood pressure measurements.

The conclusions of the research results will allow to define the needs of the population of present and future seniors, as well as adjusting the system activities of public institutions to social changes awaiting us over the next dozen or so years.

Higher education Medicine and biotechnology