Ministry of Science supports the Medical University of Bialystok


The Medical University of Bialystok received PLN 50 million in Treasury bonds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The money will be allocated to research and new technologies in medicine.

The Ministry of Science awarded the Medical University of Bialystok this grant due to the recommendation of an international team of experts in the field of medicine.

The university will allocate 50 million in bonds for its five-year development program and also to the opening of a new course – Bioinformatics and Big data in medicine.

The Medical University of Bialystok took 11th place in the “Initiative of Excellence – Research University” competition organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Experts from many European countries appreciated the development program of the Bialystok university and suggested to the Polish government to award the ideas of Bialystok scientists.

Higher education Medicine and biotechnology