Observations of Poznan astronomers described in the journal Nature


The results of research conducted under the guidance of a scientist from the Institute of Astronomical Observatory of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM) have been published in the latest issue of the prestigious journal Nature.

Poznań astronomers Dr Michał Michałowski, Prof. Tadeusz Michałowski, Dr Krzysztof Kamiński, Dr Tomasz Kwiatkowski and Mikołaj Krużyński, working in the international team, observed the gamma flash and related cocoon of heated matter and for the first time they confirmed the relationship of this phenomenon with simultaneous supernova explosion. The observations were made using the Roman Baranowski Telescope – a robotic instrument belonging to the UAM, located in Arizona and managed remotely from Poznan via the Internet.

“Nature” is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals. For years, it has one of the highest citation rates among all scientific journals in the world.
More: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0826-3
