Polish students dominated the Martian robot competition University Rover Challenge 2018


The Martian rover from the Czestochowa University of Technology won the University Rover Challenge 2018 competition. The Kielce University of Technology team was third, the fourth place was taken by the Technical University of Lodz.
The best in the world Martian rover designed and led to victory Students of the scientific circle of computer design of mechatronic devices and machines of the Czestochowa University of Technology, who form the PCz Rover Team constructed the best Martian rover in the world.
In the final of this year’s competition of Martian robots held in the desert in the US state of Utah there were 36 teams from 10 countries, including 6 from Poland. The winning rover received the title World’s Top Martian Rover – the best rover in the world. The prize in the competition includes the possibility of presenting the robot at the international meeting of the International Mars Society Convention.

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