Poznan University of Technology develops cooperation with Huawei


Poznan University of Technology and Huawei signed a contract under which the company will provide the university with the latest, high-class ICT devices. The partners also initiated the first Huawei ITC Competition in Poland.

Cooperation between partners has been developed since 2015. New equipment in the laboratory of the electronics and telecommunications department will give students and university staff the chance to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to design, configure and run modern computer networks. The variety of devices will also allow them to explore security issues and wireless networks based on a operation of central controller.

The Huawei ITC Competition last year attracted 40 thousand participants from over 800 universities and colleges. Its goal is not only to discover the talents of the ICT industry and prepare them for professional work, but also to equalize the level of knowledge and skills in line with global standards.
More: https://www.put.poznan.pl/en/aktualnosc/pp-rozwija-wspolprace-z-huawei

Higher education Innovations