Professor Marek Niedoszytko received a grant from the Polpharma Scientific Foundation


Professor Marek Niedoszytko, Head of the Clinic of Allergology at the Medical University of Gdańsk, received a grant from the Polpharma Scientific Foundation for the project “Investigating the importance of epigenetic processes in the pathogenesis of mastocytosis in the hope of finding new therapeutic possibilities”.

The scientist explains whether there is a relationship between epigenetic changes and disease symptoms in mastocytosis patients and whether there are epigenetic markers. The research is also to determine whether there is a relationship between epigenetic changes and the response to the drugs, and whether it is possible to use drugs affecting epigenetic processes in the treatment of mastocytosis.

Mastocytosis is a disease caused by mast cell proliferation. Symptoms are associated with persistent skin lesions, severe anaphylactic reactions and numerous symptoms associated with the release of mediators of these cells, osteoporosis and haematological symptoms associated with organ failure infiltrated by altered cells.

Medicine and biotechnology