Researcher of the Polish Academy of Sciences published in Science Advances on the impact of climate change on the access of trees to water


The journal Science Advances published the results of worldwide research, which show that due to climate change, trees struggle with water shortages, which results in smaller increments. The main author of the work is Dr Flurin Babst from the Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow.

The research was conducted by researchers from research centers in Poland, Canada, Switzerland, Romania and the United States. For the first time, scientists have analyzed large amounts of data on tree rings. The data came from 2710 places from around the world and reflected climatic conditions prevailing in about 70 percent of all forest areas in the world.

Research has shown that in the 20th century global warming was much less intense than predicted for the 21st century.

– As early as in the twentieth century, it was obvious that the shortage of water is more and more affecting the condition of trees, it is very likely that this phenomenon will intensify in the 21st century – estimated Babst.
