Researcher of the University of Economics in Poznan receives Scholarship of the Kosciuszko Foundation


Doctor Piotr Tarka, Prof. Associate of the University of Economics in Poznań from the Department of Market and Services Research received the Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship for research and study for a 4-month stay in the USA.

The scholarship will allow the researcher of the Poznań University to carry out research into the impact of personal values ​​on the compulsive purchasing behavior of young US consumers. The research will be carried out in cooperation with American University of Pennsylvania and the University of Richmond. The results will be compared with the results of tests on the Polish research sample.

The Kosciuszko Foundation is an American-Polish cultural and educational institution founded in 1925. The aim of the Foundation is to conduct, support and promote intellectual, cultural and educational exchange between Poland and the United States of North America.

Higher education Research and development