Scientist from the University of Gdańsk creates a board game about the body’s fight against coronavirus


Dr Wojciech Glac from the biology department of the University of Gdańsk created the board game “Infection” in which you can defend the body infected with coronavirus. In this accessible way, the scientist familiarizes us with this difficult topic and educates us about the functioning of the immune system.

The game quite faithfully reflects the course of the immune system’s response to coronavirus infection. Players take on the roles of different types of leukocytes to defeat the virus together. The board is a human body, with fields indicating body cells, blood and lymph nodes. Players throw a virus on it, which multiplies quickly, so leukocytes – each in their own way, but together – start a fight.

All elements of the game, starting from the board to tokens and special event cards, can be downloaded and printed, which its creator encourages – a valued teacher, brain science promoter and a recent winner of the Science Promoter award in the ‘Scientist’ category.

Medicine and biotechnology