Scientists from the Lodz University of Technology become co-founders of the knowledge base on COVID-19


Scientists from the Institute of Materials Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology (PŁ), together with researchers from Germany and Italy, and the Bionanopark company in Lodz are creating a knowledge base on COVID-19 diagnostics and treatment.

Thanks to the COVID-TREAT database, doctors do not have to waste valuable time to search the literature independently and have easier access to the latest scientific publications on both the diagnosis and treatment of this disease – informs PŁ.
To facilitate the search for information, the literature has been divided into eight thematic clusters, in which they can find the title of the publication, authors and access to content through the DOI (Digital Object Identification) system.

The COVID-TREAT database was initiated by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, and the project partners include: Department of Biophysics, Institute of Materials Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Bionanopark and Italian Urbino University.

Medicine and biotechnology