Scientists from the University of Physical Education in Poznań join “Scientific Reports”


The scientists from the University of Physical Education in Poznań – Krzysztof Durkalec-Michalski from the Food and Nutrition Department and Dr Tomasz Podgórski from the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry published their article in “Scientific Reports”, one of the magazines of the prestigious Nature Research publishing house.

The article “The gender dependent influence of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on anaerobic power and specific performance in female and male wrestlers” presents the results showing that their developed progressive model of sodium bicarbonate supplementation has a positive effect on supporting specific exercise capacity in highly trained wrestlers, and also reduces induced fatigue effort reduction of muscle power.

The authors of the Department of Dietetics also indicated that the response to the supply of sodium bicarbonate may be gender-dependent. Men seem to be more susceptible to supplementation with this chemical in this respect.


Medicine and biotechnology