Silesian University of Technology developing a decontamination gate for medical personnel


Employees and graduates of the Faculty of Environmental and Energy Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology and the WAAM company want to build a special gate allowing rescue personnel to disinfect their protective suits so that the risk of infection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be minimized.

The first gate will be located at the Infectious Ward of Specialist Hospital No. 1 in Bytom. It will be provided with improvements that will allow safe and personalized decontamination process. Thanks to special nozzles it will be possible to disinfect a person in a full costume, reducing the risk of infection and transmission of the virus.

The gate will be fully automatic with an adjustment package. Staff can choose the disinfection time and have full control over monitoring the disinfection processes. The person who will be decontaminated will receive information on what to do: whether to raise his arms, turn, etc., until the entire suit is disinfected.

