“Strategies in making decisions in conflict and cooperation situations” – a joint conference of three Universities of Technology


Silesian, Wroclaw and Gdansk Universities of technology invite participants to the conference “Strategies in making decisions in conflict and cooperation situations”, which will take place on 24-25 September 2018 in Ustroń.

The conference is an annual forum for exchanging views and experiences related to the issues of making decisions and shaping strategies in organizations. The theme of the meeting is “Developing the potential of the organization”.

The organizers of this year’s conference propose a discussion on the following issues: management in the era of Industry 4.0 – shaping economic and business relations; Smart City project – knowledge management for the improvement of the quality of life; managing the development of new products and innovations; decision support in management and economics; IT technologies supporting decision making and shaping strategies as well as quantitative models and methods in management and economics.

Events Higher education