Student of the Lodz University of Technology becomes the chairman of the Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland


Dominik Leżański, a computer science student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science and Automation at the Lodz University of Technology, was elected the chairman of the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland in the term 2019-2020.

The election was made during the XXV Congress of Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland, which took place on November 24, 2018. Dominik Leżeński will replace Tomasz Tokarski from the Catholic University of Lublin, who had been managing the organization since 2017.

– As the Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland in the coming term, we will have a significant impact on solving the situation at universities. Our attention will be focused mainly on the defense of students’ rights. The coming years will be particularly important due to the amendment to the Law on Higher Education and Science. The role of the Students’ Parliament will be to submit comments and give opinions on proposed changes – stated Dominik Leżeński.

Higher education