Students of the Lodz University of Technology win international competition for the project of a home wind turbine


GUST – a team of students from the Lodz University of Technology won the international competition International Small Wind Turbine Contest 2018 organized by the NHL University of Applied Sciences in the Dutch Leeuwarden.

Ten teams from around the world took part in this year’s competition for the home wind turbine. GUST (Generative Urban Small Turbine) is a student project launched in October 2015 and operating within the Students’ Scientific Circle of Power Engineers at the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery at the Polytechnic. During the competition in the Netherlands, the team from the Technical University of Lodz for the first time presented two turbines – one with a horizontal axis and the other with a vertical axis of rotation.

Students of the Lodz University of Technology received a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project in the competition Najlepsi z najlepszych! 2.0.

Events Technical sciences