Students of the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw receive a medal for air purification


Students of the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw returned from the USA where they received the bronze medal International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) in Boston for yeast microbial filters that cleans the air of heavy metals.

Wrocław students flew to a competition with biological filters based on modified yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. These yeasts absorb heavy metals and signal their excessive concentration by turning red and giving off a peach odor.

Students have already created a prototype heavy metal sensor. Now the project is entering the phase of creating a filter that will catch out of the air and neutralize harmful substances. It could be installed in ventilation, for example.

iGEM is one of the most prestigious events for students of biological and engineering sciences. The idea of the competition is to present innovative projects that use the tools of modern synthetic biology.
More: uprzedtrza.html
