Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Award


University of Lodz has announced the fourth Tadeusz Kotarbiński Award competition for the best scientific work in the humanities. Only outstanding works, defining the directions of humanities development in Poland may be distinguished with that award.

Polish universities are major centers of humanities. The scientists who are focused on them are people for whom “humanities” is not only a term for the field of science, but an expression of an ethical attitude and an open approach to the world.

The patron of the prize – the first dean of the University of Lodz – was a humanist, philosopher and an excellent academic teacher.
So far, the prizes have been awarded to: Prof. Jan Strelau (SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences), Dr Ewa Kołodziejczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences), Dr Dorota Sajewska (Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw) (kp)


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