University of Silesia becomes a partner of the boDEREC-CE project


Detection and analysis of residues of pharmaceuticals in drinking water is the main goal of the BECEREC-CE project, which was implemented by scientists from the University of Silesia. The university will provide knowledge and experience by providing tools for industry and administrations in the field of sustainable water management and land use.

The project aims to develop an integrated decision support system for water supply companies and to improve the quality of drinking water. The task will be implemented on the basis of identification and detailed analysis of processes determining the transformation of pharmaceutical residues or their natural degradation, as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of their elimination through various methods of water treatment.

The project involves 12 partners from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Germany, Italy and Austria, as well as 7 supporting partners. The project is financed from the Interreg Central Europe program.

Higher education Research and development