University of Silesia to examine the influence of the urban environment on the condition of bees


Researchers from the University of Silesia decided to examine the impact of the urban environment and related stressors on the bees. Over a year and a half ago, 6 hives were placed on the roof of the Faculty of Law and Administration.

For the purposes of the project, a special variety of insects was selected to collect pollen from melliferous plants found in nearby areas. In addition, for the purposes of the scientific experiment at the same time, a second, traditional apiary was created in the rural space about 100 km from Katowice. Scientists observed the functioning of both swarms to compare how related swarms deal with urban and rural environments.

In the near future will be run researches, checking whether some stressors are intensified in specific months. In the future, scientists want to share their knowledge and experience with the owners of urban apiaries.

Higher education