Young scientists can apply for the Scientific Awards of the weekly ‘Polityka’


Until Sunday, June 14, young scientists can apply for the jubilee 20th weekly journal “Polityka” Policy Scientific Awards. The organizers are inviting people who have made an important achievement in their professional life last year including a doctoral dissertation, habilitation thesis, a book, an important scientific article, completing research or starting it, completing a scientific team, taking up an important function in a scientific institution.

The scholarship may be applied by scientific and didactic employees with a MA, PhD and post- PhD titles, employed at Polish universities, employees of the Polish Academy of Sciences and other Polish scientific and research units, as well as doctoral students of doctoral schools.

The Polityka weekly foundation has been running a scholarship program under the name Scientific Awards since 2001. The campaign promotes a scientific career model versus pop-cultural trends, accentuating intellect and diligence.
