Scientist of University of Gdańsk co-authored a paper published in “Science”


Dr Michał R. Szymański, Prof. of the University of Gdańsk (UG), head of the Department of Structural Biology at the inter-university faculty of biotechnology of the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk is a co-author of the work “Transcription polymerase – catalyzed emergence of novel RNA replicons” published in the journal Science.

The work describes the mechanism of non-canonical RNA polymerase activity, which is poorly understood today: the ability to synthesize RNA based on RNA templates. Using biochemical methods, sequencing, microfluidic research and bioinformatics analysis, the researchers described in detail the formation and evolution of replicating RNA motifs and identified mechanisms explaining their selection and structures.

Research sheds light on questions about the origin of life, molecular evolution and the multiplication of some pathogens whose genetic material is RNA, such as influenza viruses and hepatitis delta and plant viroids.

Medicine and biotechnology