AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow receives the title of European University


The University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH) in Krakow received the title of European University in the prestigious European Commission “European Universities” competition and joined the consortium “European Space University for Earth and Humanity” UNIVERSEH.

AGH’s partners in the UNIVERSEH consortium include: University of Toulouse (France), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (Germany) and Technical University in Luleå (Sweden).

Acquiring the status of the European University by AGH offers the possibility of cooperation with other partners from the network on space industry technologies. The consortium will educate and conduct research, including in the field of telecommunications, climate and sustainable development of the space sector.

Universities will work in areas related to space engineering and space-related business, social sciences, medicine and art.

Higher education Research and development