Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University launched Center for Research on Religious Freedom


The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw has launched the University Center for Research on Religious Freedom. Its main task will be to conduct interdisciplinary research on religious freedom and Christianophobia.

The director of the new UKSW center is Prof. Waldemar Cisło, lecturer of fundamental theology at the Faculty of Theology of the UKSW, plenipotentiary of the rector for development, expert in the field of interreligious dialogue, organizer and chairman of the Polish section of the Pontifical Association Help the Church in Need.

The tasks of the Center will include: conducting scientific research in the field of religious freedom and the phenomenon of christianophobia; disseminating knowledge about the activities of state, international, social, charity and church organizations of humanitarian aid; postulating the defense and respect of human rights; preservation of religious freedom; counteracting christianophobia; disseminating knowledge about the persecution of Christians and the idea of ​​martyrdom for faith. These activities include knowledge of the present day, church history and cultural heritage.

Higher education Humanities