Gdańsk University of Technology accepts the declaration of Partnership for accessibility


Gdańsk University of Technology has accepted the declaration of Partnership for accessibility. This is meant as a commitment to cooperate in implementing the assumptions of the government Accessibility program for 2018-2025.

The program implemented by the Ministry of Investment and Development consists of the following areas: architecture, transport, education, health care, digitization, services, competitiveness and coordination. The main purpose is to provide the free access to goods and services and participation in the social and public life for people with special needs.

Signatories of the document are representatives of the government, local governments, non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurs, public institutions and the media. They declared to develop the idea of accessibility and equal treatment and cooperation in equalizing opportunities and access to the physical, social and cultural environment, recreation, leisure, sport, healthcare, education, work, transport, information and means of communication.

Events Higher education