Historian of the Catholic University of Lublin receives the award of the Spanish Ministry of Defense


Dr Pablo de la Fuente de Pablo, Department of the Spanish World, Politics and International Relations of the Institute of History of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) received the award of the Spanish Ministry of Defense – “Virgen del Carmen”.

This award was granted for his book titled “Tu Regere Imperio Fluctus Hispane Memento. La aportación extranjera a la construcción naval dieciochesca. Una perspectiva comparativa y diacrónica”, published in 2019 by the Publishing House of the University of Coruña and the KUL Publishing House.

The publication is devoted to foreign shipbuilders working in the shipyards of the Iberian Peninsula and the problems of importing supply and raw materials for local shipyards in the 18th century.

The Spanish Navy Prize “Virgen del Carmen” has been awarded since 1939. Its aim is to popularize maritime culture, themes and professions.

