How much do students in Poland earn?


According to the study “Student at work”, conducted by the SW Research studio as part of the “Career of the Polish Business Roundtable” program, every third working student earns between 2,000 and 3,000 PLN net, which is the same amount as last year.

The study also shows that pay inequalities have decreased. The highest number of well-paid students is in Szczecin and the Tri-City. Students in Kraków and Poznań earn the least.

Every fifth student (22%) receives a salary of between 3,000 and 4,000. PLN after taxes. The number of the lowest earners has slightly decreased; 4% of students receive less than a thousand PLN, and 15% of them from 1000 to 2000  PLN.

As part of the study, 820 questionnaires were conducted with students aged 18-30. 36.7% of them indicated that they have a permanent job or part-time work, 2.8% – that they run their own business.

Modern economy