Koszalin University of Technology becomes part of the European University of EU4Dual

Politechnika Koszalińska

Koszalin University of Technology has officially become part of EU4Dual – an alliance of nine European universities that have been awarded the title of the European University. EU4Dual is the first project dedicated to dual studies, characterized by the fact that it will connect two places of study – a university that emphasizes theory with a workplace that emphasizes practice.

Apart from Koszalin University of Technology, EU4Dual will include universities from Finland, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Croatia and France. The Alliance is to be the world’s largest institution of dual education, in which academic and business standards will interpenetrate and complement each other.

As a result, programs will be created and research focused on practical training will begin. All based on close cooperation with the economic environment. An additional activity will be the creation of a training system, certificates or recognition of learning outcomes obtained outside school, referring to the idea of life long learning.

More: https://tu.koszalin.pl/art/2463/politechnika-koszalinska-czescia-uni Uniwersytet -europejskiego


Higher education