Scientific and educational cooperation between the municipalities of Łomianki and Michałowice and the Multidisciplinary Research Centre (MCB) of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (UKSW) in Dziekanów Leśny, near Warsaw, are the main assumptions of the agreement signed between UKSW and representatives of the municipalities.
The agreement provides for joint scientific and research, technological and educational projects, including the organisation of training courses and conferences. It also covers the issues of financing and disseminating knowledge about the research conducted at the MCB, and finding applications for it in the wider economy.
Anna Fabisiak, deputy mayor of the commune of Michałowice, said that cooperation with the UKSW would make it possible to develop the passions of the commune’s youngest inhabitants. She expressed the hope that together with UKSW it would be possible to create an Academy of Talents for children.
Małgorzata Żebrowska-Piotrak, Mayor of Łomianki, believes that the benefits for the UKSW and the municipality can be mutual.
‘We are particularly keen for the MCB to cooperate with our high school students. We want them to be able to have engineering experiences: scientific and technical’, she said.