National Center for Research and Development to launch 9th GOSPOSTRATEG competition


The National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) has announced the ninth GOSPOSTRATEG competition. The competition includes the entire scope of the GOSPOSTRATEG Program, which has been divided into four development traps: the middle income and average product trap area, the imbalance trap area, the demographic trap area, and the institution weakness trap area.

The main goal of the GOSPOSTRATEG Program is to increase the use, by 2028, of the results of socio-economic research in shaping national and regional development policies.

Thanks to the intensified scientific work, it is possible to implement projects for the benefit of society and the economy. Therefore, we stimulate the areas that require necessary actions. “Through the implementation of the GOSPOSTRATEG Program, we want to fill the gaps in important areas necessary for the development of the country”, says Dr Remigiusz Kopoczek, acting director of the National Center for Research and Development.


Research and development