National Center for Research and Development to revolutionize housing construction


The National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) announced on December 28, 2020 the launch of the project “Energy and process-efficient construction”, which will be implemented with the European Funds.

Over the next 3 years, NCBR is developing a technology for designing and building low-maintenance, modular single- and multi-family houses. It is planned that these houses will generate optimally zero or positive annual energy consumption balance. The construction of the facility itself will be slightly more expensive due to the costs of water and energy production systems, which, however, will be significantly reduced thanks to prefabrication.

On the other hand, the use of the building will be almost cost-free, due to its energy self-sufficiency, which is the key in the pursuit of development towards climate neutrality and reduction of resource use. As a result, counting the cost of building and maintaining the building in the long term, new solutions will be much cheaper than the technologies currently used.

Research and development Technical sciences