National Coordinate Metrology Network receives financing from the Intelligent Development Operational Program


The NSMET project, National Coordinate Metrology Network implemented by the Poznań, Krakow, Świętokrzyska and Warsaw University of Technology has received funding from the Intelligent Development Operational Program.

The aim of the project is to create the highest quality, specialized research network for the development of coordinate metrology – as part of the Polish Map of Research Infrastructure. Highly specialized equipment supported by world-class scientific staff will enable research and cooperation with the best scientific and research and development centers in the country and in the world.

NSMET will allow for the dynamic development of coordinate metrology through the synergy effect resulting from direct cooperation between scientific and business centers. It will also support the business environment, meeting the expectations of Industry 4.0, including in the following industries: automotive, aviation, military, electronics, energy and medical branches.

Modern economy Technical sciences