Łukasiewicz – Polski Ośrodek Rozwoju Technologii (PORT) has launched a new programme of classes at the PORT Centre for Technological Education – Gardens of Experiences. The classes cover topics in chemistry, physics, biology, nature and ecology. They take place in the educational laboratories of the Wrocław institute equipped with professional equipment, reagents and preparations.
The programme includes workshops for different age groups. The youngest researchers will learn the principles of colour combination, the secrets of liquids, the structure of the Earth and volcanic phenomena. They will also construct their own volcanoes and make them erupt.
Older primary school students will discover the scientific secrets of molecular gastronomy and the unusual methods used to process food products. Secondary school students will face the problem of plastic pollution and create bioplastics. They will also face the challenge of solving a chemistry crossword puzzle – identifying different substances in test tubes.
Read more: https://port.lukasiewicz.gov.pl/nowy-program-warsztatow-edukacyjnych/