Scientists of the Opole University of Technology will implement two grants under the Polish Metrology program of the Ministry of Education and Science. The results of their work will be used by aviation and automotive industry.
“In the Polish Metrology program organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, we applied for two grants. In the first one, concerning functional surface analysis in mechanical engineering, we are the leader, the Poznań University of Technology is a consortium member. In the second grant on surface unevenness metrology in additive techniques, the Poznań University of Technology is the leader, while the Opole University of Technology and the Rzeszów University of Technology are consortium members”, says Prof. Grzegorz Królczyk, Vice-Rector for Science and Development at the Opole University of Technology.
The Opole University of Technology is one of the eight universities that were included in the Polish Metrological Union established last autumn. The activities of the Union are focused on cooperation with the industry and business environment.
More: https://wu.po.opole.pl/polska-metrologia-politechnika-realiz-dwa-granty/