PLN 50 million allocated for projects improving the qualifications of teaching staff at universities

Jan Graczynski/East News

The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) has announced a competition ‘Development of qualifications and competencies of teaching staff’. PLN 50 million from the European Funds for Social Development (FERS) programme will support projects aimed at improving the qualifications and competencies of teaching staff at universities and entities authorised to run doctoral schools. 

The call for applications will run from 22 May to 17 July 2023. Projects can be carried out independently or in partnership. They are expected to result in staff or doctoral students gaining or improving primarily the following qualifications or competences: didactic – including the use of modern teaching methods and educational methodology; digital; for green transformation.

During the evaluation of the applications, preference will be given to the involvement in the project of the university units responsible for the didactic improvement of staff, which were established or developed in the non-competition project “Didactic excellence of universities”, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science.

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Higher education