The Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Silesian University (UŚ) in Cieszyn together with the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava has created VIR, a virtual art gallery. The website presents exhibitions from the University Gallery in Cieszyn and the Ostrava GAFU Gallery. The gallery was created as part of the EU Interreg PL/CZ project.
The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of cooperation between universities in the Polish-Czech borderlands in the field of artistic exchange by creating a virtual exhibition space. It makes it possible to present the work of employees, students and graduates of both faculties, as well as the work of other artists.
The initiative improves the quality of cross-border artistic and exhibition activities and creates a gallery space accessible from anywhere and without time restrictions. It also provides an educational tool or an alternative for people with reduced mobility or for those who are prevented by distance from visiting real galleries.
Read more: https://us.edu.pl/uruchomiono-wirtualna-galerie-vir/