Polish-Norwegian project of the Bielsko-Biała University of Technology and Humanities

Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku Białej

The Bielsko-Biała University of Technology and Humanities is implementing the project ‘Citizen journalism for regional development. Developing an interdisciplinary educational offer and implementing innovative educational methods’. The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø is a partner in the project, and the Education System Development Fund is the project’s operator.

The project has already produced the results of a report on surveys and focus group interviews. The following months will also see the development of an educational portal with open educational resources, providing tools for online or hybrid education, an interdisciplinary textbook for citizen journalism, and a series of 15 video lectures available on the educational portal.

Currently, work is focus

ed on the main objective of the project – the development of a new specialisation module “Citizen journalism”, which is planned to be implemented in undergraduate and graduate courses in Polish philology.

Read more: https://www.ath.bielsko.pl/dziennikarstwo-obywatelskie-dla-rozwoju-regionalnego/
