Polish Oil and Gas Company and Silesian University of Technology launching Hy-Chess project

Tomasz Kawka/East News

A consortium comprising: Polish Oil and Gas Company – consortium leader, Silesian University of Technology and the Institute of Fuels and Energy Technology – consortium partners, signed an agreement to co-finance the Hy-Chess energy project.

The project involves the design and subsequent construction of a hybrid energy storage demonstrator using a green hydrogen production subsystem, a synthetic natural gas (SNG) production subsystem, an oxyfuel power generation subsystem and a compressed carbon dioxide energy storage subsystem. 

The project received funding from the National Centre for Research and Development under the first New Technologies in Energy competition in the thematic area ‘T3. Technologies for the production and use of hydrogen’. The agreement covers the full amount of the requested funding, which amounts to PLN 34.3 million. The total budget of the project will amount to PLN 120 million.

Read more: https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/pgnig-wraz-z-politechnika-slaska-rozpoczynaja-projekt-hy-chess/

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