Polish-Taiwanese competition within research cooperation settled


The National Center for Research and Development informed about the outcome of the fifth competition within the framework of the Polish-Taiwanese Research Cooperation. The competition was run jointly with the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taipei.

According to the arrangements with the Taiwanese party, the applications recommended for co-financing were divided into the thematic areas described in the competition notice.

Ranking lists have been arranged by the scores in the given thematic area and according to the recommendation of the Taiwanese side.
The Center recommended applications “Quantitative (3D / 4D) imaging of the phase in neuroscience at the cellular level” of Warsaw University of Technology, “The role of LVV-hemorphine 7 in alcohol dependence and in analgesia” of AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and ” Emitting with narrow bands phosphors to light diodes for lighting and illumination” of the University of Gdansk.


Medicine and biotechnology