Research of Polish scientists published in the journal “Applied Catalysis B Environmental”


In the latest journal “Applied Catalysis B: Environmental” Polish scientists have published an article summarizing research on modified photocatalysts based on organometallic structures based on lanthanides. The researches were conducted by scientists from the University of Gdańsk, and Dr Eng. Andrzej Żak from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The authors of the article created a new photocatalytic system consisting of a network of lanthanides and carboxylates and titanium dioxide, which reacts to visible radiation in this system. Scientists predict that the results of their research may help increase the photoactivity of semiconductors and find commercial applications.

They managed to produce a very efficient and fairly stable composite that improves the efficiency of the photocatalysis process under the influence of light radiation. Photocatalysis is used in the processes of purifying air, water, various surfaces, and even destroying cancer cells, bacteria and fungi.

