Scientists from Bydgoszcz receive Medals for inventions


Scientists from the University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz (UKW) won gold medals at the Global Invention Forum 2019 in Limassol in Cyprus for their inventions worked out by inter-university research teams.

The inventions include a shredder for plastics developed by Dr Eng. Marek Macko, Prof. Eng. Józef Flizikowski, Michał Bogdański, Eng. Mariusz Lenc (University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz) and wheelchair inner pad for patients with periarticular cirrhosis developed by Dr Eng. Dariusz Mikołajewski (UKW), Dr Emilia Mikołajewska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń).

The success was possible due to their well-thought-out development strategy and promotion of innovations of the UKW on the regional, national and international market. Participation in the fair and the awards can contribute to the long-term promotion of the UKW achievements during its 50th anniversary and will contribute to the increase of commercialization opportunities.
