Scientists from Olsztyn and Gdańsk design a warming sleeping bag


The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland patented a sleeping bag for people and animals to maintain optimal temperature during medical and rescue operations. The bag was a solution designed by the scientists of the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn.

Dr Paweł Jastrzębski, head of the Department of Medical Rescue of the UWM School of Public Health, chilling and hypothermia of victims of road and ski accidents, drunk people sleeping outside or people who stayed in cold water for a long time is a serious problem.

The sleeping bag, which UWM scientists designed together with Kamil Krzyżanowski from the Medical University of Gdańsk, is made of a soft polymer material. There is a heating mat inside. It can be like in heated car seats. It is powered with 12 V from a portable battery or from an ambulance. The sleeping bag has a temperature sensor with a thermostat and a heating mat regulator. This allows to set and maintain the desired temperature. The insulating layer in the sleeping bag is air.
