The Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals to realize a Polish-Norwegian project


The Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals will implement the SILREF project financed from Norwegian funds – “Development of reference materials for the silicon industry”. The research business partner is Elkem ASA Norway.

Silicon is an element of great importance due to its wide application, including the production of electronic devices, solar panels and metallurgical alloys. It is included in the list of raw materials recognized by the European Commission as critical.

A modern and innovative technological line for the production of silicon requires ensuring the quality of obtained results. For this purpose, the scientists use certified reference materials (CRM), i.e. materials with a known composition, measurement coherent with SI units, confirmed and described in the certificate.

The SILREF project covers the production of 8 CRMs for silicon materials: metallic silicon, microsilica and iron-silicon-magnesium alloy, in compliance with the ISO 17034 standard.

Innovations Research and development