University of Warsaw begins enrolment for Doctoral Schools

Filip Naumienko/REPORTER

Applications for enrolment into the Doctoral Schools at the University of Warsaw (UW) are open until 19 June 2023. There are 330 places available for candidates in four Doctoral Schools. Enrolment takes place electronically at the Online Candidate Enrolment Service.

There are four Doctoral Schools at the UW (Social Sciences, Humanities, Science and Life Sciences and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School). They currently educate more than 1,200 doctoral students producing dissertations in 24 scientific disciplines.

A Scholarship to Start, financed entirely from the University of Warsaw funds, has been prepared for candidates with the best recruitment results. Its amount in the 2022/2023 academic year was PLN 18,000 (paid in a single payment). The scholarship is awarded to 20% of those with the best results among the admitted doctoral students.

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Higher education