Dr Dariusz Ilnicki, from the University of Wrocław, is co-author of the monograph ‘Thirty years of retail transformation in V4 countries’ treating the transformation of retail in the last thirty years (1990-2020) in the countries forming the Visegrad Group.
The text provides a comprehensive look at the development and transformation of retail in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, including current trends in the use of smart technologies in retail. It provides a quantitative, qualitative and structural view of the phenomena and processes characteristic of modern retailing, while also highlighting the economic and spatial aspects.
The publication also records the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on contemporary retailing (e.g. changes in consumer behaviour, increase in online shopping), which is currently an important area of research in the service sector, including trade.
Read more: https://uwr.edu.pl/dr-hab-d-ilnicki-wspolautorem-miedzynarodowej-publikacji/